How the MOMS Club® began... In 1983, Mary J. (a at-home mother in California) decided she was tired of being alone at home. She wanted to meet other at-home mothers, and she wanted to find other at-home children for her children to play with. To her surprise, she discovered there were no organizations that met during the day and allowed her to come with her baby and preschooler. So she decided to start a brand new organization just for at-home mothers, and the MOMS Club® was born. The chapter she started was so successful that she knew mothers in other areas must be needing the International MOMS Club®, too. Soon she and other volunteers were helping mothers start International MOMS Clubs® across the country and around the world. Today, the MOMS Club® is an international nonprofit support network. We have over 1,800 chapters with more than 75,000 members across the United States. International chapters exist in Belgium, Canada, the Czech Republic, Ghana, Italy, Slovenia, and South Africa. More are forming as we speak. For more information on the MOMS Club®, you can go to their website- www.momsclub.org. |